How An Abundance Mindset Can Help With Your Weight Loss Goals
We all know that mindset is important.
How you think about things determines which road you will travel.
An abundance mindset allows you to feel grateful, embrace change, think BIG, stay positive in hard circumstances, and believe that there is “plenty to go around”.
A scarcity mindset can create a negative reaction to things, lead you to blame circumstances and other people when things get hard, create limitations in the mind, and carries the belief that there are limited opportunities, resources, relationships, love, and wealth in the world.
When you have an abundant mindset, you understand that change is part of life and you can appreciate the fact that change leads to more positive outcomes.
If you can understand this and be grateful, you will do more things that move you forward.
On the flip side, if you are plagued by a scarcity mindset and negative thinking, you will be resistant to change and will push yourself away from success.
A scarcity mindset views change as a setback. You will spend your time constantly complaining about change instead of actually using change to create the life that you want.
For example, let’s say you sign up for a personal training or nutrition program.
If you believe that the ACT of signing up will provide you with results, you are not taking responsibility for the hard things that are coming and the change that you must embrace. You will constantly blame other people or circumstances when things don’t go well.
If you can recognize that this program or trainer is a tool to help YOU achieve the results that you want, you can take responsibility for every action that you make.
When you choose to over eat, it is not because you had a busy day and you just need a better plan. It is because you made that decision.
When you choose to skip a workout, it is not because your trainer did not provide you with a well laid out plan (maybe she did, maybe she didn’t), but the choice you made was your own.
Self-improvement never begins with whining, complaining, or feeling sorry for yourself.
When you choose to show up every day, and embrace the failures with the successes, you will make BIG things happen.
Do you have an abundance mindset?
Or do you blame circumstances and other people when things get hard?
If you’re looking for a way to change your mindset, my “Change Your Mind, Change Your Body” course would be perfect for you!
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